Monday, November 26, 2012

Currently at the Center for Visual Arts in Wausau

I am one of about a dozen artists featured until December 29 in an exhibit called "Form & Function"  In the exhibit is work done in textiles, jewelry, pewter, wood and other mediums.  I am honored to be in this exhibit with 4 wall quilts.  Some of the items in the display are very unique, especially the wooden forma.  One artist had made some pretty cool furniture with slab wood, while another makes sculptures which can be easily taken apart (they are held together by rare earth magnets) and used.  I have the following pieces in the show.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Adventures in the Outback Studio and the World

I have changed my website to a blog site. I will be reporting on what's happening in the studio as well as other adventures I have traveling to a variety of events and places. I have committed to a trip to South Africa led by Nancy Crow in August.  I am preparing for that now by reading books about the history, culture and government of the country.  It is already a fascinating adventure.

In the studio, I am starting some new work and will be sharing what happens there.  I did no classes this fall because I had not produced any new work myself for a couple years.  Not sure where that will go.