1. Minoqua Art League - I am featured artist for the month of December, 2016. I will be at the Great Northern Coffee House in Minoqua on Saturday, December 17 from 10am-2pm demonstrating beading and other things as well as answering questions. Come join me then. My work will be on display there from December 7 till early in January2. Different Strokes - Shared Inspiration at the Howard Young Art Gallery in the Howard Young Hospital in Woodruff, Wisconsin. This show includes work by Andrea Fenner, Lisa Krueger and me. It will be up through the first week in January, 2017. We have hung a couple hundred pieces throughout the building. Friday evening, December 16, 2016 we three will be in the gallery for a reception. We will each speak briefly about our work and will be awarding a number of door prizes of our art work. Please join us then.
2. Different Strokes - Shared Inspiration at the Howard Young Art Gallery in the Howard Young Medical Center in Woodruff, Wisconsin. Andrea Fenner, Lisa Krueger and I have hung hundreds of pieces of our work in this gallery. The show will run through the first week of January, 2017. On Friday, December 16, from 4:30-6:00pm we three will be their to talk briefly about our work. There will be several door prizes of our art work given as door prizes at this reception to those present. Come join us for this event
3. Northwoods Art Tour - next year will be my second year on this tour. 33 galleries from the Northwoods of Wisconsin are included on a self guided tour. In 2017, the first weekend will be July 28-30 daily from 10 am - 5pm. In the fall it will be October 7-9. I will be in my studio during the tour demonstrating what I do, answering question and selling my wares. All are welcome! For more information on the entire tour go to www.northwoodsarttour.com. Or call me at 715-536-9392 or 715-218-1446.
4. The Outback Studio - this is my studio in Irma which is open by appointment for tours, instruction and shopping. Call for appointment 715-536-9392 or 715-218-1446
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