Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Great River Road Adventure

March 2-3, 2014

Our trip started Sunday night when jordan arrived. He is our house/dog sitter for the time we are gone. He brought the ingredients to make a. Dry special cake for his German class which was having a party Monday. He baked two layers of a German mocha cake. Monday morning he was up before 5 to make frosting and finish his cake. He split the layers and put mocha buttercream over all along with fresh raspberries.

This is the picture he sent of the cake. The called it "divine".

Our trip started about 8 am as we headed on the interstate south. We left the interstate about 30 miles north of Madison and headed for Prairie Du Chein. Had lunch there and saw the old part of town. Looking not too prosperous at the current time. Crossed the river here into Iowa and first saw McGregor, a quaint little small town on the river. Liza's grandma lived here. The most interesting town of the day was Guterburg, named after the printing press guy. It had a long peninsula going out into the river. Looks like flooding coming soon.

Out first river crossing

You can see the row of houses here. We are on a bluff coming into Guterburg. What looks like water is the other side of the river. There is a dam and lock here. Thought we might see some eagles. Not so. Only a small bit of liquid water just below the dam (about 10 feet) the whole river if solid otherwise.

Stayed in Dubuque, Iowa. Used trip advisor to find motel and dinner. Motel worked out great. First restaurant we went to was closed. The second had closed a year ago. I must right a review about that one.


Location:Mississippi River

1 comment:

  1. Glad you could poke around Gutenburg a little. I drove through there on the way to Clinton,IA and Cordova, IL for work and really enjoyed the decent into the valley on the Iowa side.

    I'll be interested to hear when you get to open water. Give an eagle report!
