We made a stop along the side of the road to sample the local insect delicacies I didn't even consider trying them as I was just starting to come back to life after my morning of sickness. I like to think I would have tried them if I felt better, but can't say for sure. I can say for sure that betsy ate them all. Below are grass hoppers.
And silkworms
And cockroaches
We arrived in a rice growing area and had a ride along the rice paddie in an ox cart. 2 oxen and two passengers to a cart
One of our working oxen had a baby who followed along the whole way.
Then the barber shop along the way
We traveled down river by boat down a river to Tonal Sap Lake to a floating fishing village.
Life here is simple and grim. Good health is difficult. All the water they have comes from the river which is also their sewer and garbage disposal. This is a pretty typical house
We went from this outing to the National Museum. It was a nice museum, but after seeing 100 buddahs, we were so tired we went to the coffee shop to get a jump start. While there we did a three day checkup of our $2 manicures
On to the airport where Vietnam Airlines took us to HoChiMinh City. A bit of excitement at passport check. Betsy had glued her visa into her passport and they wanted to stamp the back of it. She was put in the corner for about 20 minutes, then offered a new visa for $15 which she refused. She peeled half of the visa off the page and presented it to them to stamp..on we went to our beautiful hotel.
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