Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday, August 23, ammazulu African Palace and the Victoria street Market

After breakfast we went to Ammazulu African Palace. The bus could not get up the hill so we had to walk up the hill. Because of my peg leg I rode in the Magic bus to the top.

This is the entrance. This place was bizarre, interesting, extravagant Our guide in the building was the man who actually had the place built. He spent 30 years collection Zulu bead work because he felt it was a dying art. The bead work is incorporated into everything in the building. There are about 10 hotel rooms in the building. The last few days it had been filled with a group having a business meeting. Check it out at

This would be the guy

This is a mosaic pillar. The pink park is a Zulu beaded necklace

This wall piece is made of a communal meat plate and spoons

Many beaded pieces have been attached to clothing pieces

Thie is the surface of a large glass topped table

This is the view from the balcony of one of the hotel rooms

An art piece made from African fabrics and attached on the wall

On the way to downtown Durban we passed some Art Deco buildings

The afternoon was spent at the Victoria Street Market. Here are some of the bead sellers

This are lime balls. You never know when you will need to rub this all over your face to ward off evil

Thie lady is working in the bovine head market. She is hacking at this skull

Ready for the fire

A Zulu woman splitting a skull

Abortions are apparently available for R200. That $20

If you are I'll, you can visit the healer

Or buy some spices

We saw many riding in the back of pickups. These girls we riding in the back of a pickup filled with empty beer bottles

This fruit extended one row of crates into the intersection

I'm going to an Indian restaurant in a bit with a few in the group.

Location:Durban, SA

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